Fujitsu Showfloor AR Demo
Project Overview
Developed during my internship, I worked with the Immersive Content Designer at Affari Media to prototype and implement AR projects in Unity. This AR research and development, in addition to the documentation I created was used to create an AR showfloor demo for Affari Media's client Fujitsu. This AR demo was used at a Major Corporate Event.
This project was developed in Unity using the EasyAR plugin.
AR Implementation
AR was a new technology that Affari had not worked with before. It needed to be researched and prototyped to prove the viability of it for clients.
Research : Due to the early nature of the project and the need for it to run on low end Windows tablets it was important to evaluate multiple AR solutions. I researched multiple AR APIs for Unity and investigated how easy they were to implement and their viability on the required platform. After choosing which AR solution was most suitable I used free assets to prototype a project that could be presented to the rest of the company.
It was important to create Documentation that could be followed after my internship had finished as I was the one who did the majority of research and problem solving on AR implementation.
​Future Proof : As I was only with Affari for a short period of time during my internship I had to make sure what I made could be recreated used again for future projects. Working with the Immersive Content Designer at Affari I explained the process too him and together we created Documentation for how to use Easy AR and how their assets couple be implemented into Unity.